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There at Calary

It was there on Calvary that Jesus died for me. He surely hung upon an old cross, there on a tree. He did nothing to deserve this awful feat, However, He wanted to give us a place at Jesus’ feet. I know I will see and be with Him one day there, Then I can go to Him in...

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Did this Happen in One Day?

Did this happen in one day? In one day it began and ended- the same day. Which day was it? It has been told you that the ancient ruins do not crumble in one day. But I ask you: Which stroke of pressure on the wall began its demise? Which blow of wind sped its decay?...

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Because of Jesus Christ, I am now forgiven! But does that mean there are no consequences for my sin? Better is a car carefully driven, Than a terrible crash, and all the trouble I’ve gotten myself in! Would you have a tenderly cared for broken arm? Physicians at your...

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Love’s the REason He Came

Love's the Reason that He Came So gently, Lord, You came to earth And graced us with Your Holy birth. You left Your home in heaven above, To teach us of the Father's love. You lived among us meek and mild. Your life was pure and undefiled. You taught us how to love...

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On His Mind

With arms open wide, Jesus suffered and died; And not one word of revenge did He speak. With His flesh torn apart, we remained in His heart; He kept silent and turned the other cheek. And while He hung on that cross, we remained on His mind. He bore the sins of the...

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Jesus Son of God

A Savior was born on a winter day, Born of little Mary, to come our way. God sent His Son, to save us from sin, Even though, we sin, again and, again. He will sit upon Heavens’ throne forever. Satan cannot stop this King of Kings, never. Jesus rules on the Heavenly...

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Jesus Christ is Mine

He was alive before my time. He lived with God on high. He made me with a loving hand, But then He breathed a sigh. I did not love Him like I should. Some things I did were wrong. But He would not abandon me. His love for me was strong. He took my sins upon Himself,...

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If Jesus Didn’t Die

Immortality, no one ever offers or even buys, No comfort for the grieving mother who cries; Her child, forever lost, who dies. Can you tell her this, as you look into her eyes? Can you tell her that, at best, her child's end is maggots and flies? Your pastor is a...

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I Called to God

I called to God He said you'll do Just follow my Son He'll lead you thru Leave behind your trivial sin The door is open Come on in But Father, I called My sins they are many No worries my child All is forgiven. Jeffrey McGovern

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I Know He Arose

My Savior died but He arose as he told us so His disciples couldn't believe that He did He showed them His nail scarred hands and feet They were in awe and they knew death was a defeat That every word He had told them was true He arose and was no longer in the tomb...

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