Ascension Day
Just like He ascended after His resurrection, Jesus will likewise descend on the same Mount!
Looking For? Where?
Looking towards fallible sources of help will lead us to a fall… Are your eyes on the Rock of Ages, the only One who won’t let you fall?
Up, Up and Away
Feeling burdened by the trials of life? Rejoice, your heavenly reward is greater than even an olympic gold medal! Don’t give up!
In Which Category do You Belong?
We all have unique ways of responding to trials. In the face of adversity, would you stand strong?
1000 Steps
Crawling was not enoughSo I decided to take a step–Still, a step was not enoughSo I decided to take a thousand.If birth is a step to lifeAnd growth, a step to maturity–Then I am not preparedTo take the step of death.What shall I say,When I take the step of love?What...
I Still Believe
I STILL BELIEVEThe stars are shining in the skiesAnd the ocean thunders with the waters.In perfect rhythm,The waves of lightRhyme with the glory of time.And so, upon my white bed I lie,Content and happy,In joy, and utter peaceBecause I still believeThat the corruption...
He Will Come on Clouds of Glory When He Comes
He will come on clouds of glory when He comes!He will come on clouds of glory when He comes!We will sing that old sweet story;We will see Him in His glory;He will come on clouds of glory when He comes!He will come with all His angels when He comes!He will come with...
The March of Saint Michael: A Song/Psalm of Prayer and Combat
Father, we confess that we made a mess of it,Please forgive us on this day.We are sorry; we’ll do better,Please show us Your Way.It’s time to unleash the great Angel Michael,And drive the devil from our shores.Lock him down into hell,And we’ll have peace...
Sweet Memories
They are endless like the seaWith her beauty and mystery.When I see the sunI remember her golden smile.When I see the moonI remember his starry smile.I am filled with sweet emotionsWhen I realize my rare possessionOf scenes of love overwhelmingThat I nurture and...
By the rivers of living watersThe mysteries of God are calling.Time swiftly passes byAnd through it, the angels proclaimTo our fathers in sundry timesOf the finished works they long to see.Aye! Through the channel of the spirit,Truth hidden from the worldWas spoken by...