Everything about God is always perfect. But if you want the real blessing, why not spend some time meditating on His timing and His ways?
Everything about God is always perfect. But if you want the real blessing, why not spend some time meditating on His timing and His ways?
Todo en Dios es siempre perfecto. Pero si quieres la verdadera bendición, ¿por qué no pasas un tiempo meditando sobre Su tiempo y Sus caminos?
Are you waiting … and waiting … and waiting … but God doesn’t seem to be responding? No worries! God’s GOT THIS!
¿Parece que Dios no está escuchando? Recuerde: no necesitamos “sentir” que Él nos escucha. ¡Él PROMETE escucharnos, y Dios cumple TODAS Sus promesas!
Does it seem like God isn’t listening? Remember: We don’t need to “feel” that He hears us. He PROMISES to hear us, and God keeps ALL His promises!
Jesus had a plan for His gospel message to reach everyone on Earth. He was part of that plan, but so are you and I!
God is always on time. Even when the circumstances scream otherwise, He is on time. We just need to ask according to His will and He will help.
Does it often seem that God’s miracles are going to arrive a little … late? The Truth is, they always arrive just in — HIS — time!
We must learn to stick to God’s program and not jump the gun or be too much in a hurry in our desires in life.
God doesn’t promise you a life of sunshine and roses with no worries or troubles. But He does promise an eternity of peace and contentment.