We are told to let our lights shine before men; but how can we ensure that they actually … see those lights?
We are told to let our lights shine before men; but how can we ensure that they actually … see those lights?
Se nos dice que dejemos que nuestras luces brillen ante los hombres; pero ¿cómo podemos asegurarnos de que ellos realmente… vean esas luces?
Some people readily embrace the gospel, but what can you do to touch the hearts of those who blatantly reject Jesus?
Jesus had a plan for His gospel message to reach everyone on Earth. He was part of that plan, but so are you and I!
When you trust in Jesus to give you the living water of salvation, you are part of His harvest, part of His joy!
Jesus wants everyone in Heaven He wants it to be so crowded that there needs to be another wing opened up! All we have to do is go out there and share our faith!
Do you want to know one of the best ways to spread the gospel? Live the gospel to your community!
Earthly job descriptions glorify the position. God’s job descriptions tell us the good — and the bad! And they come with a guarantee that He will help us through the bad!
For those of us who are involved in spreading the gospel, each of us in our own way, we, too, must fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race, and then, we, too, will receive our reward.
Don’t worry about your age. You are here for a purpose: To spread the word of God! You’re never too old for that!