Sometimes we stand before God in despair over our sin. Good news! He has the power to forgive! Shall we also say, “Here I am! Send Me”?
Sometimes we stand before God in despair over our sin. Good news! He has the power to forgive! Shall we also say, “Here I am! Send Me”?
Salvation: Such a complicated concept! Or is it? Actually, Salvation is quite simple, and it is completely free!
On our own, we can’t do much to help people. Only Jesus can meet the deeper needs that everyone has. Why? Because He loves us!
God still loves you. He has a crown in His hand to put on Jesus’ head, Jesus, the One who took away our sin and shame!
So often we think of Jesus as our judge. And He is just that! But the good news is, before He is our judge, He was our Savior!
God gives us quiet times in our lives: Time to grow in Him to be ready for the work our Father has for us! Let’s use these quiet times wisely!
Was Jesus horrified to learn of the babies being killed in His stead? Yes! But He then chose the cross, to die in OUR stead!
God took no chances. He Himself came to this world to be our Savior, and when it was the right time, Jesus lay down His life on the cross so that we might live again!
When the wisemen, following the advice from their dream, left and went a different way, did they know that they were saving their Savior?
We don’t know what happened to the gifts Jesus received at His birth; but we know what happened to the ones He brought! Salvation!