Do you have an agenda to fulfill before you start serving God? It’s time to put that agenda aside! God’s is much better anyway!
Do you have an agenda to fulfill before you start serving God? It’s time to put that agenda aside! God’s is much better anyway!
¿Parece que Dios no está escuchando? Recuerde: no necesitamos “sentir” que Él nos escucha. ¡Él PROMETE escucharnos, y Dios cumple TODAS Sus promesas!
Does it seem like God isn’t listening? Remember: We don’t need to “feel” that He hears us. He PROMISES to hear us, and God keeps ALL His promises!
Sometimes we all wonder if God hears our prayers. Good news! He does!
Does anyone even talk to anybody anymore? If not, how will we ever share the gospel with them?
Discernment: The ability to know something through the power of the Holy Spirit. When He speaks, it is wisest to listen!
Believers are waiting for our Saviour to call us home. What a blessed hope we have in Jesus! Are you waiting to hear His voice to come home?
What is the one perfect thing we can ask of the Lord? To sit in His presence!
Wouldn’t it be nice if following Jesus were an exact Science? But it isn’t…
Just because it’s shocking doesn’t mean it isn’t truth…