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An Incredible Truth

Do you know what amazes me about our Savior? It's the astounding truth that because of the cross, that by His death and resurrection, Jesus makes possible the free gift of salvation by grace through faith! Sometimes I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the...

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Jimmy Newell Harbour

We had heard of the Jimmy Newell Harbour, and once we had entered the Torndirrup National Park near the town of Albany, Western Australia, we set out to look for it. From the name alone, I was anticipating at the least a dock and some boats, and maybe even a little...

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A Pleasing Aroma…

"These offerings are given as a special gift to the Lord, a pleasing aroma to him." (Num 29:6 NLT) If you were to simply read this text out of context, your thoughts might go something like mine did: Wow, that offering must be fresh bread or cinnamon rolls! Definitely...

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Start the Car!

Imagine for a moment that you've just stepped into the most amazing store ever. It could be electronics, clothing, shoes, home furnishing, or whatever peaks your interest. Then picture yourself finding the most incredible piece of retail bliss you could fathom. I'll...

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The Pumpkins

The 12 year-old girl who lives next door grew an abundant crop of pumpkins this year. Now this particular girl is quite kindhearted, and she wishes to share them--for free! It was with this spirit that she offered me--someone who has done nothing to deserve such a...

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How to Find True Love

Looking for love in all the wrong places. Remember that song popular a few years back? The lyrics resonated with millions because they probably did that very thing. The other day, I looked in hubby's direction, fist planted on my hip. "You mean you wouldn't get up in...

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