We are told to let our lights shine before men; but how can we ensure that they actually … see those lights?
We are told to let our lights shine before men; but how can we ensure that they actually … see those lights?
Se nos dice que dejemos que nuestras luces brillen ante los hombres; pero ¿cómo podemos asegurarnos de que ellos realmente… vean esas luces?
As Christians, we must forge ahead in passing on the word of Truth to other people. Clumsy or not, we must try.
Doing the right thing: It isn’t always the easiest choice, but it’s always the right choice! Even if it makes enemies on earth…
Hacer lo correcto: no siempre es la opción más fácil, ¡pero siempre es la opción correcta! Incluso si nos hace ganar enemigos en la tierra…
Looking for a place to call home? Our awesome and wonderful God is our place of refuge now and forever. Let’s turn to Him!
God wants us to share His love. A simple smile, a hug, a kind deed… Even the littlest acts of love can change a heart or save a life.
The angels wouldn’t directly benefit from Jesus’ birth, yet they were overcome with joy. They wanted to share the good new. We should do the same!
Are you ashamed of God? Afraid someone will ask you something you can’t answer? Don’t be! Jump to your feet and tell them about God’s love!
To be a recruiter, we must in our words and deeds make people want what we are offering. Are you a good recruiter for God’s kingdom?