God still loves you. He has a crown in His hand to put on Jesus’ head, Jesus, the One who took away our sin and shame!
God still loves you. He has a crown in His hand to put on Jesus’ head, Jesus, the One who took away our sin and shame!
What does it mean to love someone? I mean to REALLY love them? It takes courage, it takes sacrifice; but we have the best example in Jesus!
Imagine a treasure that requires reckless sacrifice to purchase it. That’s how God sees … us!
Are we willing to lay down everything for someone else? Even a total stranger? Jesus was!
When Jesus looked out on that bloodthirsty crowd, those people just like us, and what did He see? The people He came to die for.
Love sent Jesus to the cross. Love made Him stand through beatings and mockings. Love raised Him again on the third day…
The people chose a robber over the Son of God, sending Jesus to the cross. Was it really the wrong choice? Maybe not…
Our wonderful Savior waled willingly to suffering and death, all the while protecting and saving the people He loves!
Why do we call Jesus the “Good Shepherd”? Because when we were lost, Jesus gave up His own live rather than losing even one of us.
Sometimes God pushes us out of our comfort zone. Are we willing to take the step in faith required to follow His will, even when it seems impossible?