Did the “grinch” steal your hope this Christmas? If he did, then perhaps you have placed your hope in the wrong things!
Did the “grinch” steal your hope this Christmas? If he did, then perhaps you have placed your hope in the wrong things!
In the book of Revelation, everyone is praising God! Not because it’s another boring church service. No, it’s the day of God’s final victory!
How miserable are you right now? Good news! It doesn’t matter how bad things are, we still have hope!
We are waiting for Jesus to return in His glory, when all evil will be destroyed and a new heaven and earth will begin.
When all seems hopeless, remember: Our hope is in the Lord, because He loves us even when we have gone away from Him!
No matter how dire your circumstances… you can choose to be discouraged, or you can choose to believe that God will make a way!
Does it seem like all your hopes have been … dashed? Jesus’ followers could relate … But in the midst of the “Saturday blues”, let’s NOT forget Sunday’s triumph!
¿Qué puede superar el miedo? Nada más que esperanza. Y ésta es nuestra esperanza: que nuestra redención se acerca. Tal como lo prometió, Jesús regresará, nos verá cara a cara y pondrá fin por completo a todo el mal que hemos sufrido durante nuestra vida.
What can overcome fear? Nothing but hope. And this is our hope—that our redemption is drawing near. Just as He promised, Jesus will return, will see us face to face, and will put a complete end to all the evil we have spent our lives suffering.
In our galaxy, the sun is the star nearest to us. Every single day, it rises in the east at dawn to usher in a new day with new beginnings.