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We are Together

We are together. All of us here together. No-one not our brother, or our sister. We are together. So much more with one another. That in truth we make a multitude. We are together. Not alone, but wired for each other. Connected by threads that cannot be unwound. Not...

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What Can we Build?

I wonder What are we building? With the tools we have been given. What can we build? That will stand in wind and storms. That won’t perish, like the earth, and fade like worn out clothes. What are we building? That will last longer than silver and gold. That will be...

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Tui, with your white throat, you dance on the flimsy limb, and sing a song, that keeps me listening. As the wind tosses the leaves against a leaden winter sky, I wonder you have a tune still that causes your breast to rise . I fear the cold that I can feel in the...

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Pray without Ceasing

I fall asleep to my petitions, and wake with praise on my lips and the sense  of something turned around, as I slept. “I make all things new”, He says. Just like the sun, on a new day is the same but rises clothed afresh in a thousand different shades. Just as...

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Space When you’re present is all around you. Space to lift your arms out wide. To twirl. Space to fall down on your knees. To unfurl, and recognise, that when you’re present the whole world stops too. In that moment that you catch your breath, the space catches you....

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To Witness

I, love I, love from here. From my heart, which burns, and beats and smiles and cries. Which starts and smarts, with each move and turn of the subjects of my love. I am mother, I am wife. I am friend, and lover of God. But my heart, is inside out. Love does that. It...

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You are my Sonshine

(The words of this poem were written to be sung to the tune of "You are my Sunshine"...) You are my Sonshine, my only Sonshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, I want to tell You how much I love You, Your light shines on me each and every day! The other night...

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Lent Speak

Lent. Speak to me. A word that holds such hidden depths. Take me on your hallowed ground, untouched, and unturned yet by heart or mind. Show me your intents, what you’re yet to unveil. I wait here still, with bated breath, to hear your name revealed. Lent. Lead me on....

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It Hurts

It hurts. It hurts when the shell breaks, to make room for the new. When the husk cracks, so that the green can push through. It hurts when we’re growing beyond what our constraints can restrain. Growth cannot be delayed but pushes through, despite the pain. I would...

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