Why does God allow us to go through trials and to suffer? We may not know the answer to that question, but we can trust God with what we don’t understand!
Why does God allow us to go through trials and to suffer? We may not know the answer to that question, but we can trust God with what we don’t understand!
God created some trees so that they wouldn’t lose their leaves in the winter because He want to encourage us through the dark days of winter!
¡Dios creó algunos árboles para que no perdieran sus hojas en el invierno porque quiere animarnos durante los días oscuros del invierno!
No matter what trials or tribulations come our way, what we need is Jesus! He is ALL we need. Why not trust Him in the good times AND the bad?
Overwhelmed with problems? Imperfect faith? God always shows up at just the right time to remind us to simply place our faith in Him!
Life is full of storms. The good news? Allowing Jesus into your heart will connect you to a faith that helps calm the storms!
How miserable are you right now? Good news! It doesn’t matter how bad things are, we still have hope!
Have you noticed that praying for patience or faith always leads to abundant trials? Maybe God is trying to teach us to fish…
¿Has notado que orar por paciencia o fe siempre conduce a abundantes pruebas? Tal vez Dios esté tratando de enseñarnos a pescar…
Are you waiting … and waiting … and waiting … but God doesn’t seem to be responding? No worries! God’s GOT THIS!