Is love important? Good question.
Is love important? Good question.
What does it mean to love someone? I mean to REALLY love them? It takes courage, it takes sacrifice; but we have the best example in Jesus!
Some people readily embrace the gospel, but what can you do to touch the hearts of those who blatantly reject Jesus?
Do you want to come to know real love? Try Jesus! He loves you even when you walk away from Him!
Todavía juzgo a los demás. Todavía no doy mi amor con tanta libertad y alegría como Nuestro Padre Celestial quisiera que yo también lo hiciera. ¿Tú?
I still judge others. I still don’t give my love as freely and joyfully as Our Heavenly Father would want me too. Do you?
The Lord is faithful. His mercies are new every morning. So let’s strive for steadfast love for others as well!
People reject others based on race, wealth, education, etc. But Jesus’ blood removes all this. May we accept people the way Jesus does!
We don’t need to hide ourselves from God any longer, because “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Hay tanta alegría en cuidar a niños con necesidades especiales. Tienes una gran sensación de felicidad con solo estar con ellos.