The heavens declare God’s glory, and we may also choose today to declare the glory of God as we allow His love to shine through in all we do!
The heavens declare God’s glory, and we may also choose today to declare the glory of God as we allow His love to shine through in all we do!
Los cielos declaran la gloria de Dios, y nosotros también podemos elegir hoy declarar la gloria de Dios al permitir que Su amor brille en todo lo que hacemos.
Colour renders life beautiful, but it is also a tool God uses to helps us know that belonging to Jesus can bring us to a profound sense of joy!
El color embellece la vida, pero también es una herramienta que Dios utiliza para ayudarnos a saber que pertenecer a Jesús puede llevarnos a un profundo sentido de alegría.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, created for great things. And He has wonderful things planned for each of us!
God knew what He was doing when He created everything. He had a plan, and He has a plan for all of us as well!
Have you seen the pictures from the Hubble Telescope? They reveal so much color and so many shapes. Why wouldn’t God create a beautiful universe?
Have you ever considered…Questioning God? Why not bring our questions to Him? He is, after all, all-knowing!
Such a simple thing that we take for granted … but it can really make a difference in someone’s life!
Like God, we are to take care of the creatures around us—to deal with them in justice and kindness, as God deals with us.