Is unresolved anger stealing your Christmas joy? What about sadness? Pain? Good news: These CAN’T steal your joy! Not when it is grounded in the Christ Child!
Is unresolved anger stealing your Christmas joy? What about sadness? Pain? Good news: These CAN’T steal your joy! Not when it is grounded in the Christ Child!
Peace: Such a fleeting emotion. Especially with the hectic rush of Christmas! Could it be that we are letting something … steal our peace?
Did the “grinch” steal your hope this Christmas? If he did, then perhaps you have placed your hope in the wrong things!
Would you like to know the secret to the perfect prayer? Look no farther than the Lord’s Prayer, broken down into meaningful parts.
¿Te gustaría saber el secreto de la oración perfecta? No busque más allá del Padrenuestro, dividido en partes significativas.
The kingdom, the power and the glory … they aren’t ours! They are ONLY God’s! And once we realize this, our freedom begins.
El reino, el poder y la gloria… ¡no son nuestros! ¡Son SÓLO de Dios! Y una vez que nos damos cuenta de esto, comienza nuestra libertad.
Of our own we cannot ever be completely free. Yet Jesus wants us to be free! Deliver us from evil…
Por nuestra cuenta nunca podremos ser completamente libres. ¡Sin embargo, Jesús quiere que seamos libres! Líbranos del mal…
¿Preocupado por caer en la tentación? La única esperanza es invocar a Aquel que ha prometido guiarnos por senderos de justicia…