When the wisemen, following the advice from their dream, left and went a different way, did they know that they were saving their Savior?
When the wisemen, following the advice from their dream, left and went a different way, did they know that they were saving their Savior?
We don’t know what happened to the gifts Jesus received at His birth; but we know what happened to the ones He brought! Salvation!
Sometimes we leave in the presence of people who make us afraid. Remember, God loves you deeply! Ask Him for help and wisdom!
Jesus means, “the Lord Is Salvation”. From conception on, we understand the primary purpose for Jesus’ birth!
The angels wouldn’t directly benefit from Jesus’ birth, yet they were overcome with joy. They wanted to share the good new. We should do the same!
Because Jesus is our Good Shepherd who gather God’s scattered people back to safety, the lamb of God, we can have peace with God!
Jesus was born through Mary’s suffering; and He went on to suffer throughout His short life on earth so that we might have Salvation!
Is unresolved anger stealing your Christmas joy? What about sadness? Pain? Good news: These CAN’T steal your joy! Not when it is grounded in the Christ Child!
Why does God allow us to go through trials and to suffer? We may not know the answer to that question, but we can trust God with what we don’t understand!
"And he asked for a writing tablet and wrote, 'His name is John.' And they all wondered. And immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing God." (Luke 1:63-64 ESV) At least one good thing came out of the community fuss over the baby's...