God loves us so much. He takes care of us even when we aren’t walking closely with Him. He is waiting for us to realize that we need Him!
God loves us so much. He takes care of us even when we aren’t walking closely with Him. He is waiting for us to realize that we need Him!
Everything about God is always perfect. But if you want the real blessing, why not spend some time meditating on His timing and His ways?
Todo en Dios es siempre perfecto. Pero si quieres la verdadera bendición, ¿por qué no pasas un tiempo meditando sobre Su tiempo y Sus caminos?
Are you feeling totally exhausted, but the work must go on? Don’t forget: Jesus knows we are human, and rest times are part of His plan!
El Roi, el Dios que nos ve, conoce nuestras necesidades; ¡sólo tenemos que mirar hacia arriba y ver Su provisión!
El Roi, the God who sees us, knows our needs; we just need to look up and see His provision!
We know that through His death and resurrection Jesus rescued us from the power of the devil and brought us into the kingdom of His Father.
What are you going through right now? Has your world tumbled down around you? Remember: God isn’t finished with your story!
Waiting? We must let God be Bod and wait patiently even when we don’t understand. Why? Because God does care. He cares enough to have have come to this earth as one of us!
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It was a test … for Abraham to know who God was … a God who would give His own son to save His people! What love!