Fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrows troubles. It takes away today’s peace.
Fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrows troubles. It takes away today’s peace.
Is unresolved anger stealing your Christmas joy? What about sadness? Pain? Good news: These CAN’T steal your joy! Not when it is grounded in the Christ Child!
We know God saw Mary as a virtuous woman… But just what did He see in Joseph when He picked Him as the foster father for Jesus?
Consider this: When the devil keeps trying to make you look at your past, there’s something in your future he doesn’t want you to see!
Offer the other cheek? You mean put myself back in the situation where someone can bully me? Why would Jesus ask us to do … that?
You may not think you would ever betray Jesus, but we need to guard against this by keeping our guard up against the schemes of the devil!
The Christian church is so far from what God intends it to be! But maybe that’s because we focus on it instead of Jesus…
We are but foreigners, voyagers, passing through to our own “promised land”, Heaven itself, and the Earth made new with Jesus as our King!
Aging is part of being human. Do we look back at our youth and wish we were still there? Or do we look ahead to Jesus?
We may think we have lots of individual needs, but in all reality, we just need Jesus! Only Him!