Temptation is hard. We take comfort that Jesus also suffered when He was tempted, and He can help us through the same experience!
Temptation is hard. We take comfort that Jesus also suffered when He was tempted, and He can help us through the same experience!
Looking for a place to call home? Our awesome and wonderful God is our place of refuge now and forever. Let’s turn to Him!
Dragging along a bit of extra weight? Weight you could be handing over to the Lord to carry? Remember: The Lord blesses you and keeps you…
Two father: God trusting His Son to an earthly father, Joseph. No wonder the Son of both fathers is always looking after our welfare!
When we feel lost, cut off from God, God Himself comes into our darkness bringing tenderness, mercy and peace!
Do you worry about your future? Why not ask God to help you with it! It helps to know God won’t leave you alone to deal with it!
No matter what trials or tribulations come our way, what we need is Jesus! He is ALL we need. Why not trust Him in the good times AND the bad?
Feeling anxious? Why not talk to Jesus? We may not know what to do next, but He does. His Spirit will guide us!
Peace. We all want it. We seek it. We covet it. But there is only one way to have it …
Knowing that God sees everything we do, and knows everything about us, we realize we can’t ever hide from Him. We can, however, hide in God