God wants us to have our hearts’ desires, but not in competition with others. God gives good gifts to His children. Our job is to be grateful!
God wants us to have our hearts’ desires, but not in competition with others. God gives good gifts to His children. Our job is to be grateful!
Sometimes we stand before God in despair over our sin. Good news! He has the power to forgive! Shall we also say, “Here I am! Send Me”?
What if I were to stop giving because I have to? Because I want something in return? What if I were to start giving because I am … grateful?
What do you do when trouble comes? Worry and cry? Or pray and ask God? God loves to bless us with what we need!
Did you ever stop to think that God likes to hear “thank you” just as much as you do? And He is the One who deserves it the most!
Is it your birthday? Maybe it was last month or not for another two months! Whenever it is, be grateful to the Lord for another year of life!
Not feeling so much like giving thanks? Why not try it anyway? You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!
Perhaps the most important part of victory: Giving back … the RIGHT way!
¿Ya has hecho tu lista de personas para quienes recibir regalos? ¿Has recordado al más importante de esa lista? ¿Has incluido a Jesús?
Have you made up your list of people to get gifts for? Have you remembered the most important One on that list? Have you included Jesus?