There are so many advantages to surrendering to God. Why, then, do we always try to do it our own way? Do we even know what our hearts desire?
There are so many advantages to surrendering to God. Why, then, do we always try to do it our own way? Do we even know what our hearts desire?
Hay muchas ventajas en entregarse a Dios. ¿Por qué, entonces, siempre tratamos de hacerlo a nuestra manera? ¿Sabemos siquiera lo que desea nuestro corazón?
¿El mejor consejo para cualquier año nuevo? Respira profundamente, piensa en lo que quieres decir y deja que Dios se encargue. ¡Él es mucho más capaz que nosotros!
The best advice for any new year? Take a deep breath, thinking about what you want to say, and let God handle it! He is far more capable than we are!
Feeling anxious? Why not talk to Jesus? We may not know what to do next, but He does. His Spirit will guide us!
Overwhelmed with problems? Imperfect faith? God always shows up at just the right time to remind us to simply place our faith in Him!
What is your response to fear? Do you retreat? Or do you allow God to reach down and rescue you?
Jesus went to the cross of His own free will. He did so by daily dependency upon God, and this is why He is forever the true Servant of God!
Are you waiting … and waiting … and waiting … but God doesn’t seem to be responding? No worries! God’s GOT THIS!
Do you have an agenda to fulfill before you start serving God? It’s time to put that agenda aside! God’s is much better anyway!