Frustrated? Remember: We have eternal life already, even as we struggle—because Jesus has risen from the dead, and He shares His victory with us!
Frustrated? Remember: We have eternal life already, even as we struggle—because Jesus has risen from the dead, and He shares His victory with us!
The devil comes to steal and kill; but we are not powerless against him! Our weapons, the Bible and prayer, can … STOMP on him!
Just what, exactly, can our enemies do to us? God has the power to heal us, release us, comfort us, even raise us from the dead! So where is the enemies’ power now?
Depression is almost an epidemic. How about keeping it out of your life completely?
You’ve worked so hard and finally you are victorious. Don’t you deserve a pat on the back? Or…
Demons are like cockroaches: Difficult to get rid of, and likely to return! There is only one way to “clean house”!
What do you wo when the green-eyed monster of jealousy is in the room? You run to the feet of Jesus and beg Him for help!
What is the best thing you can do in troubled times? You can praise God!
What is Heaven all about? Why will we be worshiping Jesus?
Does it sometimes seem like your attempts at intercessory prayer are … Useless? What is the secret to harnessing the authority we have in Christ?