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The “Grinch” Who Steals Christmas … Joy!

by | Dec 20, 2024 | Christmas, Focus, Joy & Happiness, The "Grinch" Who Steals Christmas ...

Last week, in The “Grinch” Who Steals Christmas Peace, we saw that if our peace isn’t grounded in Jesus, doubt and lack of faith can easily steal it from us!

In the Dr. Seuss story, the Grinch who stole Christmas was particularly upset by the Christmas cheer he saw in the citizens of Whoville. He sought to steal their joy by stealing all of their holiday decor and gifts.

There was a “grinch” who stole my Christmas joy as well…

It went like this: We were celebrating Christmas as a family 10 days early.

Two days before our early Christmas dinner, we had prayed over my husband for his healing of dementia. We all expected a miracle, but that miracle was all “behind the scenes”. I was trying hard to not let this disappointment take away my Christmas joy.

Our oldest son and his wife were moving to China for reasons of work. Can anyone blame them that the subject of most of their conversations was their upcoming move? I was dealing pretty well with the move overall, but when, in the middle of Christmas dinner, they wouldn’t stop talking about China, I started to get frustrated. Why couldn’t we enjoy this last Christmas together? And my Christmas joy began to ebb away.

Our younger son and his wife were with us as well; but they would be flying back to western Canada the following day. We didn’t get to see them much, and … well … Sadness was setting in…

Then there was the stemware we were drinking from. It had belonged to my departed mother. As I stared at those beautiful glasses, I could think about was how she had begun her two-day downward spiral, which culminated in her death, during Christmas dinner in 2020…

It came time to do the dishes. My older two were again discussing their upcoming trip to China. “We better bring mom in on this plan,” my son commented as I entered with a stack of dishes.

I felt a lump begin to develop in my throat: “What plan?”

“We need to be in China for December 27. The only way is to fly December 25.”

True enough, we had just celebrated an early Christmas together. Nonetheless, the thought of them actually leaving the country on Christmas… I turned away. Somehow I squeezed out the words, “Whatever you need to do.” But anger was growing in my heart. How could they ruin Christmas by leaving for China?

Just then my younger son came in with some of his grandmother’s stemware. “Look! These are Grams’ glasses!”

That did it. I had lost my mom on Christmas, now I would lose my two older kids on Christmas as well! And the last remaining dregs of Christmas Joy washed away.

I’m sure you’ve all had consecutive things happen to you, where it seems there is a master plan to empty you of joy. What do we do when the last of our joy dissolves into nothingness? What do we do when the “grinch” steals ALL of our Christmas Joy?

But wait. What is joy, anyway?

The Bible tells us where we can find true joy: “You will make known to me the way of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever (Psalms 16:11 NASB)!

Joy isn’t found in earthly things! It is found in the presence of God! Didn’t the Christ Child we celebrate this season come to bring us joy?

Jesus spoke of giving us His joy: “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full (John 15:11 NASB)! And if that isn’t enough proof, check out what Jesus said a couple chapters further: “But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves.” (John 17:13 NASB)!

Jesus’ words bring us joy! Full joy!

If Jesus is our source of joy, why then had anger and sadness stolen my Christmas joy?

Because I wasn’t looking to Jesus as my source of joy! I was looking to my kids! My husband’s healing! Even my departed mom! And my displaced source of joy actually turned on me! My anger, my frustration, even my sadness, had all became the “grinch” who stole my Christmas joy!

The people of Whoville didn’t let the grinch steal their Christmas joy. They didn’t care about the presents or the decorations. For them, Christmas was in their heart. What a powerful lesson for us today! When we make Jesus and His Word the source of our joy, the “grinch” can’t steal ours away either! No amount of sadness or frustration can take away our joy. No amount of anger can make it disappear!

As you approach the Christmas season this year, I challenge you to spend some time meditating on the fact that Jesus is the source of your ultimate peace, hope and joy! And as long as you look to Him for your peace, your hope and your joy, there is no “grinch” in the world who can steal it away! Sadness happens. Frustration comes. Anger and doubt arise. Worries overtake us. These are normal things that happen to us in life. But our joy, our peace and our hope are secured on the Rock where they cannot be stolen!

If you have missed any of “The “Grinch” Who Steals Christmas…” series, you can access the other parts here. God bless you all as you firmly anchor your Christmas Hope, your Christmas Peace and your Christmas Joy on the Christ Child, where NO “grinch” can steal it away!

In His love,

Lynona Gordon Chaffart
Author, Moderator, Acting Director, Answers2Prayer Ministries

