Do you fear the judgment? No need! We can safely rest in Jesus, knowing that He will be our safety and shelter … forever!
Do you fear the judgment? No need! We can safely rest in Jesus, knowing that He will be our safety and shelter … forever!
Need spurring on towards spiritual serenity? Resting at the feet of Jesus isn’t the please you yearn to be? Why not slow your frenzied pace and try it?
¿Necesitas un estímulo para alcanzar la serenidad espiritual? ¿Descansar a los pies de Jesús no es el placer que anhelas? ¿Por qué no reduces tu ritmo frenético y lo intentas?
Are you feeling totally exhausted, but the work must go on? Don’t forget: Jesus knows we are human, and rest times are part of His plan!
Some people find days and nights filled with dread, anxiety and despair. Jesus has the solution!
Why would the angel put in the middle of his announcement to Mary that her cousin was pregnant? Because He cares!
Most of us have faced problem. Have we forgotten that the Master just wants us to ask Him faithfully, and then He will walk us on the waters to dry land?
Whatever unmerciful master has you in his toils, Jesus calls you to become His and to find rest. And He will certainly give it!
He is the One who makes it possible for us to trust in Jesus, who laid down His life to rescue us all from the power of evil.
What do we do when the issues we are wrestling over begin to feel like a losing battle? Why our efforts to change the situation only leave us frustrated? Why about … Surrender?