This story is about the true meaning of Christmas.
The true meaning of Christmas is not about getting, it’s about giving, and it’s about Jesus.
Jesus came to this world to forgive us for our sins.
Here’s the story of when Jesus was born. One day an angel appeared to Mary and said that she was going to give birth to Jesus.
Mary went to see her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also going to have a special baby. When Mary was there, Elizabeth’s baby jumped and Elizabeth knew, without Mary telling her, that she was going to have baby Jesus.
When Mary was going to give birth, they were told to go to Bethlehem. At Bethlehem, there was no room in the inns. An innkeeper let them stay in his stable.
When Jesus was born, an angel went to see some shepherds and told them that Jesus was born. Then some wisemen saw the angel star and followed it to Jesus, and gave Him gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
This story is all found in Luke 1 and 2. You should read it!
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This is the true meaning of Christmas. This is what Christmas is all about: It’s that Jesus gave Himself for us to save us. It’s about giving.
This Christmas, think about the true meaning of Christmas!
Darien Chaffart, Age 7
Prayer Warrior, Answers2Prayer Ministries,