The voice of God was heard in a manger. It is heard through His Word and through nature. Now it’s time for OUR voices to be heard … sharing the good news of the voice of God!
The voice of God was heard in a manger. It is heard through His Word and through nature. Now it’s time for OUR voices to be heard … sharing the good news of the voice of God!
I can do all things, because it is God who strengthens me!
For those of us who are involved in spreading the gospel, each of us in our own way, we, too, must fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race, and then, we, too, will receive our reward.
What if the circumstances that are blocking your way forward in life are … impassable?
How many times have you tried to do something that seemed impossible? Let’s remember that God can help us through what seems impossible!
If Peter and the rest of them could spend three years with Jesus, only to fall apart under pressure, what about me?
We are often in danger of falling into temptation. Only God can help us!
Feeling ill-equipped for what you are called to do? You’re in good company! Remember Jeremiah?
God promises to give us strength; but sometimes it doesn’t seem to be happening. Just how does that promise work?
Wait… My weakness can be a … testimony?