“And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly.”
(Matthew 1:19 ESV)
Joseph is the quiet hero of the Christmas story. Matthew introduces him to us as “a just man … unwilling to put [Mary] to shame.” What does that mean?
Probably that Joseph followed the Lord faithfully, with all his heart. He knew the Law of Moses—that betrothed women who committed adultery could be put to death. But there was no revenge in Joseph’s heart—no wish to hurt Mary, or even put her to shame in the village. In spite of the pain he must have been feeling, he put her needs first.
What a wonderful choice God made when He picked Joseph for Jesus’ foster father! Because Jesus, too, put the needs of His beloved people first, even though we rebelled against God and went our own faithless way. He did not consider His own pain or think about taking revenge on us. Instead, He planned to bring us back—to restore us to Himself, no longer faithless but beloved, forgiven, and faithful people. How? Through the power of His own death and resurrection.
Joseph reflects God’s mercy in miniature. The best he could think of to help Mary was a quiet divorce, and no shame to him. It takes God Himself to do much better than that—to do the miracle of turning faithless people into the loving Bride of Christ, Christians who love their Lord so much they would rather die than be without Him. And why? Because He loved us first. After what Jesus did for us, who can resist Him?
We Pray: Dear Jesus, set my heart on You always. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
* When have you seen love transform someone’s heart?
* Can you think of a time when Jesus’ love made a difference in your life?
* How can you show that same sacrificial love to someone you know who is in need of it?
Advent Devotions were written by Dr. Kari Vo.
Originally published in The Lutheran Hour on December 19, 2023
Used by permission from International Lutheran Laymen’s League, all rights