Walking by faith and not by sight: It’s a lot easier to preach than to practice! But this is how God wants us to walk throughout this upcoming New Year…
Walking by faith and not by sight: It’s a lot easier to preach than to practice! But this is how God wants us to walk throughout this upcoming New Year…
Caminar por fe y no por vista: ¡Es mucho más fácil predicar que practicar! Pero así es como Dios quiere que caminemos durante este nuevo año que se aproxima…
We know God saw Mary as a virtuous woman… But just what did He see in Joseph when He picked Him as the foster father for Jesus?
What a wonderful God who knows our weaknesses and limitations and makes a way for His plans in spite of them!
You of little faith … How those words make us squirm! But it doesn’t stop Jesus from moving!
Jesus notices when we are in trouble. We matter to Him, even if we’re the only one in the whole group with that problem…
When doubt and uncertainty try to take a foothold, cry out to Jesus! He will help you!
How many times has God called you to come home? How many times has He tried to direct you and you ignored it?
Poor John. Stuck in prison and unable to see for himself what this Jesus, the One he baptized, has turned into. Is He really the Messiah?
I took the step in faith. I got out of the proverbial boat. Why are the storms of life still raging around me?