“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
(Matthew 28:6 KJV)
Dearly beloved and friends,welcome to a new dawn of glory,victory and dominion. Rejoice! The strife is over, the battle done:the victory of life is won; The song of triumph has begun, Alleluia! The powers of death have done their worst, but Christ their legions hath dispersed, let shouts of holy joy outburst Alleluia! Praise the Lord.
The three sad days have quickly sped, He rises glorious from the dead, all glory to the risen Head, Alleluia! Yes, Jesus Christ is risen indeed.
What are some proofs of His resurrection?
- Jesus said it and confirmed it (See Matthew 16:1-4).
- The tomb was empty (See Mark 16:1-7).
- Holy Women saw Him after (See Matthew 28:9-10).
- The Angel confirmed it (See Matthew 28:5 -7).
- He appeared to disciples (See Mark 16:9-18).
What are the implications of His resurrection?
- Because Christ lives, we can face tomorrow.
- Because Christ rose, we shall also rise in glory someday.
- Because Christ rose, He intercedes for us.
- Because He lives He is coming back for us.
- Because He lives, death is swallowed up in victory; so we are conquerors & overcomers.
What to do:
- Keep contending for the faith; never give up.
- Let the reality of resurrection be string in you.
- Command every dormant blessing in your life and situation to come alive and be effectual.
- Keep praising the risen Lord and Master.
- Be very expectant of His second coming.
Main Prayer Point: In Jesus name:
Father,let the resurrection power be highly effectual in my life.Amen.
Pastor Tunji Adigun.
THE FAMILY MENU Sunday 17 April 2022.