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Waltz In

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Prayer

While I was praying, simple conversation with God, I found myself asking for something. Again.

I thought, “I am constantly making requests! Wouldn’t you think the Lord would get sick of that? I just waltz in, any time of the day or night I feel like it, and pray. I thank Him and praise Him, often ask for something and assume He is listening.”

Many years ago, as a mom of young children, I would try to stop and listen to my kids when they would come to me to ask, or tell, me something. I usually did, but not always. Our Father God made us for fellowship with Him. And yes, He is thrilled and delighted for us to come to Him, with requests, conversation, thanks, or just come to enjoy His presence. And yes, He listens. Always.

Among the thousands of promises in the Bible are those which declare God hears us, and answers. A few are: Jeremiah 33:3:“Call to me and I will answer you.” (NIV); Psalm 17:6: “I call to you, God, and you answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say.” (NCV); Psalm 6:9: “The Lord has heard my cry for help; the Lord will answer my prayer.” (ICB); Psalm 91:15: “They will call to me, and I will answer them.” (ICB)

There’s never a time the Lord won’t stop and give us His full attention. In fact, He is just waiting for us to ‘waltz in’.

That’s good news.

Inspirational Messages bySally I. Kennedy


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