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He Took my Place

by | Jan 9, 2016 | Poems

“The Lamb of God, my substitute, sacrificed for me, once, for all.” (Hebrews 9:28)

He took my place on a cross of wood,
He who had done nothing but good:
Betrayed, denied, deserted by all,
Rejected- outside the city wall.

I was the one who broke the rule,
Lived as I chose to, played the fool:
And all my lawlessness to erase,
He shielded me and took my place.

The burden of my cross He took,
To blot my sins from the Holy Book:
Each blood-stained step my ransom paid,
Taking my place: the exchange was made.

He took my place: the darkened sun,
His words proclaiming, ‘it is done:’
The earthquake witness, assuring Love,
Obedience to His Father above.

The borrowed tomb, the guards, the seal,
Divinity could not conceal:
The tomb is empty: Living grace!
He is risen : He who took my place!
Transformed into His very likeness,
Now I overflow with goodness :
I sing, I dance, I shout for joy,
I have delight naught can destroy:
In gratitude I announce to the human race,
The blessing time cannot deface,
Limitless Love! All can embrace
Since the Christ of Calvary took our place!

Caroline Fairbairn.


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