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Remember the Sparrow

by | Nov 21, 2015 | Protection

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matt 6:26-27 NIV)

I knew there was a nest somewhere close as I watched the mother bird throwing her body upon the ground in a crazy fashion. How did she make her wing look so broken?

I hated to stop, for the sun would soon give up it’s light and I didn’t lack that much having the field finished. Trying to look both sides at once was very difficult. I just said a quick sentence prayer that I would miss the nest or see it in time. She was running this way and that in front of the mower.

I thought of the scripture that tells us God marks the fall of the sparrow. I really didn’t want to run over her nest. Why do they build right where I have to mow?

Birds should have their nests in the trees!

Then I saw it. I stopped the tractor, got off and walked over. I had run right over the top of it, but down in the shallow nest were 4 speckled eggs. I bent over and adjusted my glasses. Not even a crack! Evidently the tires had missed – the blade passed right over those fragile eggs (while she was having a fit!)

Aren’t you worth more than a sparrow?

Sometimes the blades of life, so sharp and keen, pass right over us, screaming, roaring – the engine noise so awful, the whirling sharp blades so menacing! But God says, “Hey! I’m right here with you….it will pass!”

And think, friend, why God chose to use a bird’s life to let us know He cares about us…He really does care. He really does stay with us even when the blades are whirling and threatening death. Remember the Sparrow.

Joan Clifton Costner


