Have you ever been afraid you would lose your salvation? Never fear! Jesus will never lose what God has trusted to Him!
Have you ever been afraid you would lose your salvation? Never fear! Jesus will never lose what God has trusted to Him!
It is human to err, to stumble, to fall. Praise God, He always picks us back up!
Everything Jesus does just before the cross is for one purpose: To destroy the power that sin, death and the devil’s hold over creation.
Do you find yourself traveling through rough spots? Remember: God is with you, holding you and protecting you! Just lean on Him for support!
No matter what, God is protecting you! So when you feel the fiery darts whizzing past, remember who has your back!
The shepherds watched over their flocks by night. Jesus watches over us just as carefully. He knows when we are hurting. We can trust Him forever.
Discernment: The ability to know something through the power of the Holy Spirit. When He speaks, it is wisest to listen!
Have you had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Every turn, something is fighting against you? Remember: If Jesus is for us, who can be against us?
Do you ever question the mercy of God? Think no farther than the times you could have been hurt in an accident… God’s mercy never ends!
Are you a dear one to God? If so, be glad! You are beloved by Him! And remember, Jesus has given you the opportunity to love Him by loving those around you!