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Increasing Church Attendance

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Body of Christ, Caring, Motivation


“Even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself.

(Gal 4:14 NIV)

In the last two years, Churches around the world faced a difficult reality as attendance diminished drastically. Currently as the situation starts normalising, leaders are strategizing on how to draw people back and restore numbers at Church.

There are many reasons why Church attendance would generally drop. The recent pandemic was just one of them. However, this is not the emphasis of this blog but to perhaps look at a few reasons or pointers that may help leaders and others address the Church attendance scenario.

First, let’s read the following short parable:


John and Mary, a poor elderly couple lived in a small town. They lived a basic, simple and quiet life as they did not have visitors. They loved the Lord Jesus and were at Church every Sunday.

There were two Churches in the town: One 200m from their home and the other they attended was 2km away. They usually arrived at Church on a Sunday, totally out of breath.

A leader at Church observed them for many months and wondered why they did not attend the Church close to their home. One Sunday he approached and asked them, “John and Mary, why do you attend this Church that is so far from your home?” John was quick to reply, “Young man, when we enter this building; we are greeted at the doorway and inside with warm smiles, given a big hug and people talk to us. Every Sunday when we arrive after our long walk, a young lady offers us a glass of cold water.”

“You see son, when we come here, we are welcomed home!”

[Ronnie Naidoo: 8 Nov ’18 – pre-covid]


1. Preaching: The truth of the Word of God sets free. The Spirit led message is always best to meet the people at their points of need and expectation. The Lord wants to meet and minister with His people.

Prayer for lost souls and for those who have not returned to Church should be our ongoing cry to the Lord. Jesus in His interaction with Zacchaeus, ends with, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10 NIV).

Ministry to the people: Jesus directs His disciples to preach the good news, baptise those who are saved and to lay hands on the sick (Mark 16:15). Jesus took the time to pay attention to the multitudes or even a single person; who approached Him for help.

2. Family: The pandemic has deprived people of much needed social interaction and Church family. Many would have missed the personal attention, interaction, word and ministry. A quick call or visit to the Church family would most certainly help draw them back to Church.

Welcome team: People appreciate a warm & friendly welcome at Church. The welcome team is the first contact to family or visitors coming or returning to Church. They could be the ‘face/sermon’ the visitor needed. Communication (verbal or non-verbal) may include love, encouragement, smiles, care and compassion.

3. Names: Remembering the names of the people is a big advantage. Formal welcome of visitors during the meeting will be special.

How Jesus interacts with people is indeed a great yardstick and example to emulate!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray that the attendance at Churches around the world would normalise soon and then grow in numbers beyond expectation. Lord, we acknowledge that you are still building your Church. AMEN!

Ronnie Naidoo (Pastor)  

