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Of Easter and Identity – Part 5: Identifying the Times we are Living In…

by | Dec 7, 2019 | Of Easter and Identity (A Mini-Series)

Finally, we come to the concluding section of the 6-parts series titled “Easter and the Identity crisis” and that is…

Identifying the times, we are living in…

An end-time prophecy is recorded in Daniel 12:4: “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.” (NLT). These words would always resonate in the minds of all discerning Bible students, for they identify the time we are living in as the end time. Like no other period in human history, this cyber age with its global business tours catalyzed by technology revolution, has become more commonplace, and knowledge has grown even more exponentially. Latest inventions are the order of the day, so much so that it is news only when a new discovery in the field of science is not been made in a 24-hour span.

Also it would be foolhardy to ignore other ‘signs’, such as the earthquakes, famines and wars, which Jesus announced would precede His second coming (SeeLuke 21:10-11). Aren’t newspapers littered with stories of earthquakes ravaging several countries, famines stalking various parts of the World and wars being fought within and between nations?

As though to refute a rationalist who would attribute the afore-mentioned ‘signs’ to common occurrences of the past centuries, the good Lord sent yet another irrefutable proof on the 26th of Dec, 2004 and in March 2011, respectively, in perfect fulfillment of His prophecy in Luke 21:25b: “And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.” If an earth-shaking event of the magnitude of the tsunami, the very definition of a strange tide, that hit several coastal cities in Dec 2004 and Japan in March 2011, doesn’t convince us that His second coming is on the anvil, then nothing else will. Yes, our hearts go out to the victims. Let’s remember that secrets behind some sovereign acts can only be understood in eternity (SeeDeut. 29:29).

Have we identified the fact that we are living very close to the zero hour? Are we ready to meet our Master? Oh may we all rejoice in seeing His radiant countenance soon, even while hearing His words of commendation: “Well done, my faithful servant”!

Prayer: Father, even as we Your Children are identifying the fact that we are very close to the end times, enable us not only to be alert but also to lovingly and passionately alert others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant
J and SM Ministries

