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Do it in Jesus’ Name…

by | Jan 9, 2016 | Love, Poems

He did not send a box of chocolates,

nor roses that smell so sweet;
But the gift that He sent to us,

will last until once again we meet.

A box of chocolates can disappear,

and a rose will die on the vine;
But the gift that God sent to us,

It will last though out all time.

He sent us His’ love,

along with His’ soul and heart;
The three belong together

and they shall never part.

Where you find one,

there the others shall be;
For The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

Make up the Trinity.

On this day as you give your heart away,

Be careful who you choose;
With one you are a winner,

with the other one you loose.

God gave us His all…………..
How can we not do the same?
Give all you have back to God,

and do it in Jesus’ name. Amen  

By: Pat Finn

