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Operation “Eliminate Prejudice”, Part 3

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Operation "Eliminate Prejudice" (A Mini-Series)

Friends today we come to the concluding part of the series “Operation demolish prejudice”.

“Lord, is this man born blind on account of his sins or that of his parents?” (John 9:1-2). Honestly who is blind here? The blind man or the Disciples blinded by prejudice. How often, we see fellow Christians rocked by difficult times and immediately jump to a conclusion that “they are reaping what they have sown” without seeking the Lord’s counsel in this matter. At a time, the needy require our help; let the “Good Samaritan” in us take over. Let love ride the roughshod over prejudice, like we see it doing in the eventual action of our Lord when it came to curing the blindness of this man about whom his disciples had such a misplaced opinion.


Post conversion of Cornelius and his family members, courtesy Apostle Peter’s visit to their home (Acts 10), Apostle Peter was put “in a box” (can you believe it!!!) and “missile after missile” was being fired at him by the Jerusalem Church. His Crime? He had visited a “Gentile home and fellowshipped with the uncircumcised lot” (Acts 11:1-3). Cornered, “Simple Simon” defends himself proving in the process that it was the Almighty who had authorized his visit to the home of that charitable roman centurion.

How often, driven by prejudice, we adopt a “holier than thou attitude” and condemn our fellow believers even after their actions have been validated by the good Lord. When Peter came up with his tactful defense, finally all the objections of the short-sighted (at that time) Jerusalem Church were answered and they “swallowing their prejudice” praised God. Someone said, if there is one poison, we can swallow and still be benefitted it is prejudice.

Sad isn’t it? Gossip & slanderous reports — both an offshoot of prejudice spread like wildfire whereas a salutary report of a person’s good deeds does not. A lie it is said travels through half the world at a time truth is tying its shoe laces. As Christians, who are called to be “different”, isn’t it time to do a “health check” with respect to prejudice? Are we often susceptible to it or are we immune to this “disease” by God’s “vaccination” of wisdom & care in our hearts?

And finally its action time! In keeping with our call to be not only listeners but also doers of His word, isn’t it time to get merrily into the “finger-pointing act”… the one with a difference, of course…of pointing fingers only at a person’s good character & his good deeds. If love & not prejudice is reigning in our hearts, that would be natural, isn’t it!

Prayer: Father, we pray that you demolish all prejudice in our hearts. In its place, let love rule our hearts. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Suresh Manoharan
J and SM Ministries

(To access the entire “Operation ‘Eliminate Prejudice'” mini-series, please click here.)

