A few weeks ago I stopped at a light by an intersection on my way home. I glanced to the side and saw a little, old man on the grass by the road. His face was full of weariness and sadness and he was holding a sign that said: “Please Help! Need money for food and dog food.” I pulled to the side of the road and talked to him a bit. His wife was ill and on dialysis. And the power and water company had sent them shut off notices unless they were paid in full immediately. They had paid out of fear but now had no money left for food for themselves and their 4 dogs. I drove the guy to a local Dollar store and bought him the biggest bag of dog food they had. Then I drove him back to the intersection and headed home.
Instead of feeling glad, though, I could hear the “better angels of my nature” whispering in my ear. “You bought food for their dogs but not food for them.” As I listened my heart hurt and tears came to my eyes. I asked God to please forgive me. Later in the day I drove back to the intersection hoping to get some food for that poor man and his sick wife but he was already gone. All I could do was pray for God to send better angels than me to help this hurting family.
Looking back on this now I can see that my heart and soul still have a long way to go if I want to become the person I was meant to be. I am still selfish at times. I still judge others. I still don’t give my love as freely and joyfully as Our Heavenly Father would want me too. I can only hope that I will continue to learn, to grow, and to become the Child of God I am called to be. And I pray that God will use me to do His will, spread His truth, and share His Love.
I pray too that one day everyone in this world will have enough. I pray that one day we will all listen to the “better angels of our own nature.” And I pray that one day we will all love each other as purely and unconditionally as God Loves us.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV)
Joseph J. Mazzella