Todavía juzgo a los demás. Todavía no doy mi amor con tanta libertad y alegría como Nuestro Padre Celestial quisiera que yo también lo hiciera. ¿Tú?
Todavía juzgo a los demás. Todavía no doy mi amor con tanta libertad y alegría como Nuestro Padre Celestial quisiera que yo también lo hiciera. ¿Tú?
I still judge others. I still don’t give my love as freely and joyfully as Our Heavenly Father would want me too. Do you?
Of ourselves, we are helpless. Only through Jesus can we call God our father!
Looking towards fallible sources of help will lead us to a fall… Are your eyes on the Rock of Ages, the only One who won’t let you fall?
Troubles come and go, but joy will come in the morning. If we remember that Jesus is holding us tightly, we can always be joyful.
I have never needed anyone as much as I need God. God is my savior, provider, healer and He fights my battles.
Jesus is acting really weird in this story, isn’t He? When did He ever ignore someone in need—let alone insult them?
God is with you, too—no matter how terrible your situation is, or how helpless and alone you feel. He has not abandoned you. He will not give you up.