God wants us to share His love. A simple smile, a hug, a kind deed… Even the littlest acts of love can change a heart or save a life.
God wants us to share His love. A simple smile, a hug, a kind deed… Even the littlest acts of love can change a heart or save a life.
God created some trees so that they wouldn’t lose their leaves in the winter because He want to encourage us through the dark days of winter!
¡Dios creó algunos árboles para que no perdieran sus hojas en el invierno porque quiere animarnos durante los días oscuros del invierno!
What is your response to fear? Do you retreat? Or do you allow God to reach down and rescue you?
God’s nature never ceases to proclaim God’s love for us. It is, however, up to us to embrace that love, to live in it with joy and to share it with the world.
Todavía juzgo a los demás. Todavía no doy mi amor con tanta libertad y alegría como Nuestro Padre Celestial quisiera que yo también lo hiciera. ¿Tú?
I still judge others. I still don’t give my love as freely and joyfully as Our Heavenly Father would want me too. Do you?
Hay tanta alegría en cuidar a niños con necesidades especiales. Tienes una gran sensación de felicidad con solo estar con ellos.
Why does God allow us to be on this difficult and painful planet? Could it be that it is only through our troubles that we can truly learn about love!
¿Por qué Dios permite que estemos en este planeta difícil y doloroso? ¿Podría ser que sólo a través de nuestros problemas podamos aprender verdaderamente sobre el amor!