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Some Little Marriage Refreshers

by | Nov 21, 2015 | Marriage

Do you know that small gestures, the sorts of things that are easy to neglect can help keep a marriage fresh and vital? Therefore, be counseled to: –

a) Spend some minutes finding out about your partner’s day at work, church, social function, then will the bridge of your relationship be strengthened.

b) Surprise each other with an unprecedented small gift, treat or favour that will bring about an unusual smile.

c) Periodically pay your spouse sincere compliments and that will eradicate doubt that is about to spring up.

d) Stop what you are doing briefly and pray for your spouse. That little prayer will do a great damage on the devil’s plan for your marriage.

e) Get out of your home together regularly, even if it’s only for some minutes or hours that will bring about good bonding.

f) Try to ignore the trivial offences in life, and that will make room for untold joy.

g) Share some plans and dreams for the future and that will bring about an established trust.

h) Pray together often and about everything, for then will divine love and peace reign supreme in your home.


— If a child of God marries a child of the devil, that child of God is sure to have some trouble with his / her father-in-law (i.e. The devil)

— Marriage is that relationship between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual and the obligation reciprocal. (Louis K. Anspacher)

— A man’s children are pieces of himself but his wife is himself. As this is a reason why husband should love their wives, so it is reason on why they should not put away their wives, for no man ever yet hated his own flesh or cut it off, but nourishes and cherishes it and does all he can to preserve it. The two shall be one, therefore there must be but one wife, for God made but one Eve for one Adam. (Matthew Henry)

— A good marriage is not a contract between two persons but a sacred covenant between three. Too often Christ is never invited to the wedding and finds no room in the home. Why? Is it because we have misrepresented Him and forgotten His joyful outlook on life? (Donald T. Kauffman)

. Well-married, a man is winged; ill-matched, he is shackled. (Henry Ward Beacher)

— Even if marriage is made in heaven, man has to be responsible for the maintenance. (Kroehler News)

Remember that you are loved and appreciated, Remain blessed and rapturable,

Yours to reach this generation with the Gospel,

Dr. Daniel.

