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Family Menu: You Are Free Indeed

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Freedom in Christ, Liberty, The Family Menu

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

(John‬ ‭8:36 KJV)

Dearly beloved and friends,every man on earth wants to be free,devoid of oppression of whatsoever. The devil will always load people with heavier burdens, until freedom from Jesus Christ sets in to give complete liberation. As we celebrate our National Independence, we must ensure our spirit is free indeed as well.

As a child of God,you must not compromise your faith in the face of adversity, no matter how severe. You must remain steadfast and unmovable, holding tightly to the Word of God.

Examples of freedom from bondage:

  1. Children of Israel: Pharaoh was a biblical type of satan, he ruthlessly oppressed God’s people but God liberated them (See Ex. 3:7-8;14:27-31).
  2. Samaria: Was severely under siege by the Syrians, who locked them up until God set them free and there was a free fall of food prices within 24 hours (See 2 Kings 7:18).
  3. Man at the pool of Bethesda: Bondage of 38 years was crushed by Jesus (See John 5:7-8).
  4. YOU: Hold tight to your liberty in Jesus Christ and don’t get entangled again (See Gal.5:13).

What to do:

Prayer Points: In Jesus name, Amen:

  1. My Father and my King, thank You for setting our country free from the oppression of the wicked and evil ones.
  2. Father, Your mercy has prevailed, let me never go back to bondage again.
  3. Father, by Your grace, let my life henceforth glories Your name with this new Liberty.
  4. Lord of all creation, please let the Holy Spirit brood over our realms and set us free indeed.

Pastor Tunji Adigun
THE FAMILY MENU Sunday 2 October, 2022.

