“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”
(Proverbs 19:21 ESV)
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
(Ephesians 2:10 ESV)
Do know God had a plan for your life before you were even born? From the beginning of time, God had a plan for you. Are you following God’s plan or just winging it? God’s plan is better. Winging it can get you in a lot of trouble.
God has every thing planned out but we can derail ourselves and get out of God’s will for us. That is not a good idea. When I say God has a plan for us, I mean it. He knows what we will do before we do. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be writing these daily for over 2 years now. I’m not that great a writer. But God is.
People have asked me how I do it everyday. I ask myself that question too. My answer is it’s all God. I can’t come up with the topics all by myself. I get my inspiration straight from God. I know when it’s God too because they are easy to write. If not, it’s like walking in quick sand. I get no where fast. Just like today’s. I thought I would write on praising God. I found scriptures but when I tried to write the message I had writer’s block. Not a word. So I erased what I had and told God to show me what He wanted me to write on. And He did.
So you see? God is in the details. If I had tried to write what I wanted it wouldn’t have been very long or good. But by letting God have His way, it practically wrote itself. And I think it’s better this way. If I can do this for over 2 years, no formal writing experience except a class in college then you can do what God has planned for you. So get busy and figure out what God has planned for your life and then start living that life.
I started writing at around age 65 so you aren’t too old.
Have a great day.
Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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