How many times have we ignored the nudging of God’s spirit to do something for someone? Whenever we do, we are the ones who miss out…
How many times have we ignored the nudging of God’s spirit to do something for someone? Whenever we do, we are the ones who miss out…
Remember the blessing of obedience. Let’s obey God quickly, precisely and completely, even if we do not fully understand the reasons behind His instructions.
Do God’s commands sometimes seem strange? Like maybe He isn’t in touch with the latest news or cultural norms? No matter how strange they may seem, God’s way is always right, and we would do best fo follow without question!
What about God? Do we live to please Him? Or are we living in ways that will disappoint Him?
Are you discouraged and feeling far from God and that your faith does nothing for you? Look to Him, your high tower of strength, Who promises a city whose foundations are made by God Himself, and Whom we can judge as faithful.
If Jesus Himself, the Son of God, was only able to surmount temptation by offering up fervent cries and tears to God, then how much more do we, who are weak, need to follow His example!
Looking for an encounter with God? Perhaps it needs to begin by opening your heart to being a willing servant…
What is YOUR motivation to do God’s bidding? Do you jump right in? Or do you play … the waiting game?
¿Cuál es TU motivación para hacer las órdenes de Dios? ¿Te lanzas directamente? ¿O juegas… al juego de la espera?
Since Jesus’ salvation is free … why are there still those who hope to win heaven their own way?