Purpose: Without it, we are just aimlessly wandering through life. With it, we have peace and joy. Just how do we find that purpose, anyway?
Purpose: Without it, we are just aimlessly wandering through life. With it, we have peace and joy. Just how do we find that purpose, anyway?
Todos queremos que se haga la voluntad de Dios, ¿verdad? Pero eso parece una gran oración. ¿Qué abarca exactamente la voluntad de Dios?
We all want God’s will to be done, right? But that seems like a huge prayer. Just what does God’s will encompass?
Jesus does promise us abundant life, but that abundance only comes by being content with what we have as we diligently serve the Lord!
How are your plans working out? God has a plan for each of us, a plan that is for our good, to give us hope and a future. Do you want that plan for yourself?
What if what we really need God to do for us sounds like the exact opposite of what we THINK God should do?
¿Qué pasa si lo que realmente necesitamos que Dios haga por nosotros suena exactamente lo contrario de lo que PENSAMOS que Dios debería hacer?
You may be a generous giver … but what if what is needed is different from what you are willing to give? What then?
Puede que seas un dador generoso… pero ¿qué pasa si lo que se necesita es diferente de lo que estás dispuesto a dar? ¿Entonces que?
God uses broken and hurting people. He knows how to take your mess and turn it into someone beautiful!