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Of Easter and Identity – Part 1: Identifying Resurrection Prophecies and their Significance

by | Dec 7, 2019 | Of Easter and Identity (A Mini-Series)

Our Lord faced severe “identity crisis” on that first Easter Sunday. Today we will delve into:

Identifying the Resurrection Prophecies and the Significance Thereof…

When so many events relating to Jesus’ life had been prophesied such as…

a) His virgin birth (SeeIsaiah 7:14);

b) His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (celebrated as Palm Sunday in Christendom – SeeZechariah 9:9);

c) His betrayal by an acquaintance (SeePsalm 41:9/Zechariah 11:12); and

d) His sufferings on the cross (SeePsalm 22:15),

to name a few, it follows that an event as paramount as the resurrection would also be foretold in the Scriptures. And it was: “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption” (Psalm 16:10 ESV); “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me.” (Psalm 49:15 ESV). These are written in oh-so-clear terms that their fulfillment should not have come as a surprise to Jesus’ followers. Sadly, however, it did, so much so that the good Lord had to painstakingly remind some of them of the same on the road to Emmaus that first Easter evening (SeeLuke 24:27).

It is true that even without a single prophecy, our good Lord could have come to Planet Earth, finished the redemption plan and gone back to Heaven. Why, then, are there so many Prophecies?

It is because there is no shortage of rationalists in this World who demand proof for everything before accepting any Divine act as Divinely inspired. On that one solitary life of our Saviour hinged the entire salvation of Mankind; and in His infinite wisdom, our Heavenly Father, who is a great facilitator (SeeGen. 24:7), had everything written down in “black and white”, several centuries before those landmark events even occurred in order that the entire Gospel-preaching/Soul-winning process would be “facilitated smoothly”, as it were. He did this to prevent the Jews, and later the Gentiles from attributing the virgin birth (SeeIsaiah 7:14), Jesus’ place of birth (SeeMicah 5:2), His atoning death on the cross (SeePsalm 22:16/Isaiah 53), His resurrection (SeePsalm 16:10-11/Acts 2:28) and his victorious ascension (SeePsalm 68:18/Eph 4:18) to a sheer accident or coincidence!

Minus the resurrection prophecy (SeePsalm 16:10), could Spirit-filled Peter have preached with such conviction and authority on the Day of Pentecost (SeeActs 2:22-36) so as to receive a response of remorse and repentance from (can you believe it) 3000 devotees (SeeActs 2:37)? Mind you, these Jews were not “social sinners” in the category of murderers or thieves or adulterers. Rather, and I reiterate, they were “sincere devotees”, who in observance of the Law had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Annual festival of Pentecost (SeeDeut. 16:16-17/Acts 1:5)! Yet courtesy of Scripture-backing (SeePsalm 16:10) and the Spirit-empowered preaching of Peter, a contrite spirit was birthed in them. Isn’t it true that in God’s scheme of things, both God’s Word and God’s Spirit operate like two blades of scissor? They never work in isolation but in unison, and they “cut the heart” (read bring about conviction) for the better of those exposed to the Gospel.

Now coming to the purpose of having Prophecies in the Scriptures for convicting the rationalists, Let me further illustrate…

Some years ago (during Christmas time), the womenfolk of our Church went to a reasonably distant Departmental store to buy gifts for the widows/orphans/Sunday school children of our Church. When they came back it dawned on one Sister (in faith) that she had forgotten her purse containing many valuables in the parking lot of a huge, busy commercial complex. Praying profusely, the entire “purchase committee” rushed back to that hustling, bustling area. Due to traffic snarls, it took them an entire hour to return to where an unguarded purse has as much chance of remaining unpicked as an ice-cube would have of not melting in a fiery furnace. Hallelujah, they found it safe and secure! Now if I were to share this thrilling account with a rationalist, giving all glory to the prayer-answering God, he would attribute this “miraculous recovery” to sheer “coincidence or luck”. But ponder for a moment, if this entire account had been foretold and documented in a book, say 20 years ago. Would he still attribute this true story to a mere coincidence? He would have no other option but to accept it as a Divine act! Ditto the same, with several of the Messianic prophecies, including the ones about His resurrection.

Yet another significance of fulfilled Prophecies… If our promise-keeping God has faithfully fulfilled all His prophecies time and again (seeJoshua 21:45), it only goes to reinforce the fact that He is bound to bring to fruition the other unfulfilled prophecies in the Scripture… That of His Son’s second coming (SeeMatt 24:30-31) and beyond! Oh how true that prophesies are nothing but history written in advance. Does the prospect of our Lord’s second coming in mid-air excite us? It should… If we are ready for it.

Prayer: Father, we glorify Thee for Thy wisdom in placing so many prophecies in Thy Holy Scriptures as regards several milestone events’ in the Saviour’s life. Make us renew our love for Thee constantly, even as we meditate on Thy infinite wisdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

To help us identify the Messiah’s purpose at the cross, and to help us identify ourselves with that purpose, please join us on Tuesday for “Of Easter and Identity Crisis, Part 2: The Messiah’s Purpose…”

Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant
J and SM Ministries

