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Thanksgiving and God

by | Jan 16, 2016 | Praise


“From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised.”  (Psalm 113: 3)

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and praise to our Lord. There are times in our lives when it is hard to say thank you to God. Perhaps there is something going on in our lives or with a loved one or we find ourselves in the middle of an unraveling relationship. Maybe we are struggling with loneliness or depression or we are just tired of putting up with our own failures or shortcomings. Or perhaps we are facing troubled times.  So,
we ask, just how can we give thanks?

We can give thanks if we truly believe that God is present and active in our lives at all times – not just the so-called good times. For our faith tells us that God is at work in sun and darkness, pleasure, and pain, harmony and dissonance. We Thank GOD.

As our families sit around the table, Please remember God is in everything we say and do. Please also remember this Thanksgiving to say a prayer for those lives that were lost on September 11, 2001. May those lives bring us closer to God and each other.  I must say from the bottom of my heart, May our Lord enrich you with his spirit of Thanksgiving everyday.

Let’s Pray:

God our Father from your hand we have received generous gifts so that might learn to share your blessing in gratitude. Accept these gifts of thanksgiving and let the perfect sacrifice of Jesus draw us closer to all our brothers and sisters in the family.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Your Dear Brother in Christ

Michael Williams

