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The Variables and a Constant

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Denominations, Religion

Both in tangible and intangible matters, one is bound to find differences amongst Christians. Now let’s consider the matters of health and wealth. Well, all Christians may not be healthy or wealthy. There may be differences’ in their IQ level too. Now these are some tangibles, health, wealth and IQ. Similarly when it comes to the intangible spiritual realm, there too one is bound to find differences’ amongst Christians. All would be at different levels of spiritual growth (read maturity). They may even belong to different denominations due to several reasons.

In the matter of different denominations, I would like to recite an insightful account. It has to do with a dream that GREAT Christian reformer Charles Wesley had. In his dream, the story goes, he found himself at the gates of hell. On the other side he heard mourning and weeping. Over the din of all this wailing, he is said to have shouted out a few questions. “Are there any Lutherans IN THERE”, was the first one. The answer was a resounding YES! He is said to have continued… are there any Presbyterians, Baptists …the answers continued to be YES and even for the final question are there any Wesleyans’, the answer was an emphatic YES? A bit disappointed on hearing the reply especially to the final poser from the hell residents, this Saint found soon himself at the gates of Heaven. On the other side predictably, the air reverberated with joyous exultation. Here too he is said to have repeated the same questions. Are there any Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists and Wesleyans’ IN THERE…and for all the questions the answer was a firm NO! A bit exasperated, he is said to have asked “Then, who are you IN THERE?” The answer was spontaneous “WE ARE ALL CHRISTIANS”! If anything this story underscores the fact that a nominal Church membership doesn’t take one to Heaven, only a living relationship with the Redeemer borne out of a born-again experience DOES!

The fact of the matter is while there may be variables amongst Christians, THE VITAL CONSTANT IS ALL OF THEM ARE SINNERS IN NEED OF A SAVIOUR! Remarked a wise soul “Our strengths create competition, only our weaknesses’ create a community”. Well, two thousand years back realization of a weakness, “WE ARE UNHOLY BY OURSELVES” gave birth to the UNIVERSAL CHURCH!

“We Christians glory in what Christ Jesus has done for us and realize that we are HELPLESS to save ourselves.” – Philippians 3:3 (TLB).

Prayer: Father, we thank thee for accepting us as Your children, the moment we placed our faith on the Saviour, Whom You in Your sovereign wisdom had appointed for this world. We praise Thee, once again Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Suresh Manoharan

