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Reasons to Go On, Part 4: The Queen in my Back Seat…

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Reasons to go on (A Mini-Series)

Last Thursday we looked at the life of Elijah, and we learned that no matter how difficult our circumstances, we can rise up rejoicing that God is going to do something miraculous just to get us through the day. We can rejoice as we watch to see the miracle that God will use to do so!

Today’s focus will be a little different. It isn’t based on a Bible character, it is based on a dream God gave me last night, one that I believe illustrates nicely what gives us reason to go on.

Now I’m not one to normally remember my dreams, but this one struck me, and struck me hard. And yes, I remember everything about this strange dream.

Perhaps it was spawned by the recent royal wedding. Or perhaps by the fact that I had watched “The King’s Speech” just the night before, but whatever the reason, I dreamed that I was driving a queen around in the back seat of my car. She was beautiful; she was regal; and she seemed to think she belonged in MY car!

I remember that I was very surprised that the queen would want to ride in my car and interact with my kids, who were also in the back. But as the dream progressed, I could see her love for my kids and for me in the way she interacted with us. She wasn’t haughty or arrogant; instead she was loving and personable.

As the dream progressed, we passed through an international border crossing. Naturally we were required to stop and speak to the border guard, but he didn’t recognize the queen in the back. In fact, he didn’t even look at her or speak to her. He just simply asked me a few questions about how long I would be in his country and let us go through. I remember thinking very vividly in my dream: “I wonder if he even realizes who is in the back seat of my car!”

But as time went on, the fact that the queen was in my backseat became a bit “old news” for me, and I’m ashamed to say, I started to take it for granted.

I awoke from this strange dream shortly after this, and as I contemplated it all in my mind, I began to hear God’s voice:

“You have a King riding around in your heart! He is your father, and He loves you dearly. Do you appreciate His presence? Do the others who interact with you even know that your King rides around in your heart?”

Suddenly, the words of a beautiful text came to mind: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Gal 2:20-21 NKJV)

I burst into tears as vivid scenes of recent times began playing themselves out in my mind’s eye: Times when I didn’t tell others about the King; Times when they couldn’t tell by my actions that Royalty resided in my heart; Times when I had become so used to the King residing there that I had taken Him for granted!

I repented right then and there, and I resolved, with God’s help, to always keep it in the forefront of my mind that God resides in my heart! He goes where I go, and I want others to see, through my actions, that He is there!

But God wasn’t finished speaking to me through this strange dream. He reminded me of the disheartening moments I had been passing through, and how hard it was for me to make myself do certain things because of my discouragement. And then He reminded me of this mini-series that I was in the midst of writing, and how some people are so discouraged that they don’t have the energy to even get up in the morning.

That’s when I began to understand what should be the #1 reason for getting up in the morning: The KING of the universe resides in our hearts! THIS is the reason to go on! “…for in Him we live and move and have our being …” (Acts 17:28 NKJV)

Throughout this series, we have learned four beautiful reasons to get up in the morning. We’ve learned that:

1. God makes everything beautiful, in His time;

2. No matter what, we can rise up rejoicing in the miracles of God, because He keeps ALL His promises;

3. God is going to do something miraculous, just to get us through the day, and we can rejoice as we watch for His miracle;

and finally,

4. The King of the universe resides in our hearts, and THAT is DEFINITELY something worth getting excited about!

But wait. When we’re in the midst of hard times, it is really hard to remember these truths, let alone apply them!


Please join us next Thursday for the conclusion of REASONS TO GO ON, Part 5: Conclusion – When it Seems like Everything is Against You …

In His love,


Lyn Chaffart, Speech-Language Pathologist, mother of two teens, Author and Moderator for The Nugget, a tri-weekly internet newsletter, and Scriptural Nuggets, a website devoted to Christian devotionals and inspirational poems,, with Answers2Prayer Ministries,

(To access the entire “Reasons to go On” mini-series, please click here.)

