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by | Oct 18, 2014 | Mining Some Truths (A Mini-Series), Salvation

August 5th 2010. For a bunch of thirty-three men, it was going to be a routine “day in the office”. Only their office was a good 2000 feet below the Earth’s surface, their “office cubicle”, nothing but layer upon layer of mud mixed with copper and gold, their “office equipment”, drilling machines, spades et al, and their business, “mining yellow metals”. Worse, their “office premises” caved in for no fault of theirs. For the next 69 days, these men did not see the “light of day”, both literally and figuratively, and only on the 13th of October, 2010, after virtually shaking hands with death, they emerged out of the “black hole” to the spontaneous cheers of the local Chilean crowd and the global TV audience. Yes, you guessed it right, I am speaking about the saga of the Chilean miners, whose faces, as they stepped out one by one from their life-saving missile-shaped “capsule”, said it all! Steely determination, gratitude, relief, joy and everything else!

Are there any spiritual lessons to be “mined” from the spine-chilling experience of Chile miners? Yes, it brings to the forefront some chilling reminders as well as some comforting, re-invigorating and challenging truths. First of all:


For no fault of theirs, there they were, the Chilean miners, trapped helplessly in the dominion of darkness, with seemingly “no light at the end of the tunnel”, until the rescue act began from “above”. Oh yes, none of us are responsible for eating the “forbidden fruit” which tragically resulted in the “Earth caving in around mankind”. Our grand-parents are responsible for that ONE BIG FATAL SLIP (Romans 5:12)!

Cheer up! For us, too, trapped down here on earth, the rescue act began from “above”, with the Savior Himself descending down into the miry, dark pit of sin to save everyone trapped in it from eternal death (Col 1:13-14).


The entire rescue act stood out for team work, with several people pooling their minds and their resources, even as they bailed out the trapped miners. “Team Trinity” also worked in perfect unison to bring about our release from the dominion of darkness. Consider this Scripture verse: “who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood” (I Peter 1:2).

So much so about our salvation, it is said “God thought it, Christ bought it, Holy Spirit wrought it, though the devil fought it, Praise God I got it”!

Prayer: Father, the more I understand about your grand plan of salvation for mankind through Jesus Christ, the more I am challenged to reach out to others with it. Keep me on fire. Always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Please join us next Tuesday for “Mining Some Truths, Part 2”.

Suresh Manoharan

(To access the entire “Mining Some Truths” mini-series, please click here.)

